Liberation of War
Liberation of War is a new Sorpack War Service mode where players are able to command on bots to follow him, take cover or attack the enemies. The objective is to kill all of your enemies and when that is accomplished, you will win the round.This game is a combination of first person shooter and RPG (Role Playing Game) strategy.
Game play
After joining the server, you need to wait for a new round to start (Just like in War Service). When the new round start, you will be equipped with a hand gun and a Samurai sword. An interval of 30 second will be given to you, if you want to preselect your army or buy hg and guns.
To preselect your army of ten, you need to press E and a list of option will be given to you like infigure 1.1. The option from 1 to 3 will be free but the rest you need to buy them. Option 1 is a swordsman, Option 2 is a Medic who bring the corpse to life, Option 3 is a soldier with gun, Option 4 is a soldier with gun and an ablity to throw grenades at enemy, Option 5 is a sharp shooter soldier, Option 6 is a soldier with m249 machine gun and lastly Option 7 is a Mortar soldier who fire bombs at enemy.
If you do not wish to choose your army just except the default army of 5 swordsman like in figure 1.2. They are very useful for close contact combat.

Figure 1.2 Show a troop of swordsman and bots command.
To buy weapon, you need to say: /buy_sir and a list of weapon will appear together with the price like in figure 1.3. Press 2 for Hg, Press 3 for Glock 18, Press 4 for USP, Press 5 for dual hand gun, Press 6 for ES C90 sub machine gun and Press 7 for AK47 rifle. If you want to buy M249 which are price at 10,000, you need to press 9 for the next page and press 1 to buy it.
Figure 1.3 is a buying weapon option.
How to command your troops of army
To command your troop, you need to press Space button (Jump) and then press E button in front of the troop of army. A circle of light (Blue for CT and Red for T) will appear showing you the limit distance of your command. Once the circle of light touches the troop, they will automatically follow you and a list of command will appear like in figure 1.2.
Follow me - Your command an individual army to follow you during an attack.
Take cover - Your troop will immediately take cover. It's a good command if you need to do a task fast without the present of your troop following you.
Defence - Your troop will switch to defence mode where they will stick together and fight.
Attack - Your troop will straight away run toward any enemy on sight and attack them.
Choose corps - Choose a specific unit in your army and command them. Eg. If you choose an artillery units, you will only be able to give command to the artillery units.
Figure 1.4 Shows a Medic and a DL planter
How to get money in the game
1. You could get goodies in radom in a shape of a metal case (just like zombie upgrade) such as Small hp revival, Money (2,000), Bullets for your weapon, One army personal, Gun or A green gas which will decrease your hp.
2. Capture your enemy flag, you will get 5,000. CT will be Taiwan flag and T will be China flag.
3. Shoot your enemy and make him drop on the ground 30. By killing your enemy, you will get 300. If any of your troop in your command makes your enemy drop you will also get 30.
PS: Your enemy will drop several times before he dies.
In combat battlefield
Distant combat - If your enemy is in a distant from you, use your hand gun or other gun to kill him.
Close range - If your enemy is close to you, use your sword to kill him. Remember you sword is more powerful than your guns.
Reduce hp - Use hg to reduce your enemy's hp.
There are only 2 maps in this mode.1. Sor_Valley_War and 2. De_Guerrilla. I feel that De_Guerrilla seem to be a more interesting map. I hope that boss will make more maps for this mode.
Tips and tricks
1. Use the strength of your troop to kill the other players. Always bring 1 or 2 bots with you during battle. That is command your troop to attack and go close to 1 or 2 bots and press E, then press 1(follow me) to follow you. Bots are much difficult to kill and also their strike on players are more deadly.
2. Command a 'DL planter' to follow you and plant DL as many as possible at the under ground tunnel, so that your enemies will have some difficulty to reach your underground base.
3. Attack the underground base of your enemy first and after you accomplished that grabbed their flag for money and let the remaining bots to join the rest of the bots for reinforcement.
4. If a commander of a troop is dead, the bots will automatically raise they hand as a sign of surrender. Take this opportunity to kill the surrender troops to increase your money and score.
Figure 1.5 Show the army troop surrender
This is only the basic knowledge for you to acquire while playing Liberation of War. You could come up with your own strategies and tricks while playing and mastering this mode. Good luck, my friend.